Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Freedom post

in this passage and the whole book freedom is key everywhere Will and his friends go. like in the of the quote there is a sentence saying "What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" this passage says simply whats the point of courage without a free mind to show it the way. throughout the book Will meets capped people and they don't seem very lively, because the capped minds listen and their only function is to move their body and work for the tripods. but Will and his friends are not capped and have different qualities. like Jean Paul (beanpole) who is an "inventor" he rethought the steam engine or as Henry and Will called a giant kettle thats why the people of 2089 dont move up in technology because their minds are not free. sry but I forgot to mention what vagrants or uncapped they Feeling, emotions and learn new thing but most importantly how to deafeat the tripods.


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