Thursday, February 24, 2011

Profile N... for.... I don't know?

Heyo Its Dzaim and Im profile N and it easier for me to learn when I move around constantly to keep my attention, also if I need to it will help if i turned my dominant ear to a speaker so I can hear what he/she is speaking properly. When I am stressed my whole brain shuts down ad I can't act and the way to unlock my brain is brain gym i hope this help you Ms.Whiting to better effectively teach me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kristalnachts- The Night Of Crystals

Kristalnacht was at the was one of the largest acts of anti-Semitism  in the world, every Jewish business,  was burned and Nazis claimed only 100 were killed although the true number of dead are known we can estimate its way more than what he Nazis had said all Nazi supporters were rallied to do Kristalnacht and even young kids who were in the Hitler youth were sent to burn all Jewish books and paintings. The Hitler Youth was a place were boys were trained and indoctrinated to be future sldiers of the Fatherland and they all would not hesitate to do anything but serve the Fuhrer