Monday, January 18, 2010

Holiday Snapshot

.... I dangled over the hull of the boat groaning watching the vibrant yellow puke floating away (sorry this is a snapshot right so i have to describe my puke)my friend behind murmured "I'm definitely not going in the water" I got up and faced my dad with a sorry face he gave me a bottle of water I guzzled the water and could feel the taste of milk and noodles going down my throat. I put my snorkeling mask on and dove into the water. I looked around I did not spot anything for a few moments then I spotted a ripple and noticed a large bright yellow and blue colour floating around my friends dad and saw a piece of bread with fish darting towards it. I scouted around the reef for a while diving down but not to far.

I heaved my body out onto the boat and easily slipped off my flippers and the boat took off for coral fishing

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A skill I learned at school was in P.E. I learned that when dribbling a basket ball you should dribble it lower to the ground. When we were given the Mesopotamian test I did the review (and Ms. Mac gave us cookies :D) and read the textbook 4 times (a very long time) and i got a "B" ;). I want to learn how the earth would roughly look like in 2552? I contributed to the MS community by throwing my rubbish away after eating. I am trying to improve my math grades and science grades by doing the reviews